Tuesday 28 May 2013

Benefits of Black Cumin Seeds and Oil

Medical Benefits of Black Cumin Seeds and Oil
Black Cumin Seed is another binomial name is Nigella  Sativa. Hazrat Muhammad SM said; Black cumin seed cure all disease but death itself. So it is clear that black cumin is great for health. Not only this but also by the many researcher it is proved that it could cure most of the disease.

The black cumin seeds contain over 100 chemical ingredients which is good for health. Most common ingredients are: 

Crystalline Nigellone
Vitamin b1
Vitamin b2
Palmitic acid
Palmitoleic acid
Myristic acid
Arachidonic acid
Vitamin b3
Linoleic acid
Folic acid
Stearic acid
Beta sitosterol
Oleic acid
Linolenic acid
The most common treatment of this seeds for the fever cold in over the Indian subcontinent and Bangladesh. South Indian Herbs are depends on it very deeply. Black cumin seeds help to produce blood by providing the element on bone marrow. Some researcher also strongly recommend that its one of the best fighter for cancer. It also good for maintain the high blood pressure. It reduce blood pressure and calm the nerve system.
Better Treatment For Sex: Black Cumin seed is one of the better treatment for sex. Most of the middle east [Egypt] inhabitants use this elements, Its also most common for this in South India and Pakistan. It works by production of urine and sperm. Calcium, Iron and Zinc is better for reproduce the sperm count. To hold your regular sperm count take the black cumin seed everyday. Most of the people say how they take it. Its very simple, Take it with your daily food item. You will surprise day only 20 grain of back cumin seed is enough for daily basis.
Control Blood Pressure: The black cumin seeds control the blood pressure. The food habit and digestion is related with the blood pressure. By controlling nervous system and stimulus the urine production it help to maintain the blood circulation the whole body, which control the lower and high blood pressures.
Best Remedy For Hair Fall: Black cumin seed also protect the baldness. Its more and more time tested that the cumin seed regrow the hair, its protect the hair loss. Black cumin seed also medical tested for hair treatment. Beside of daily eat the black cumin seed oil can usable. You can also eat oil with your food supplement.

  • Apply black seed oil directly on your bald spot, wash out after 10 hour. 2 times per week
  • Mix with the olive oil and apply it bald spot wash goodly after 5 hour, 2 times per week
  • Mix with the henna paste and apply in your bald area, wash goodly after dry.
  • Take a red tea powder with some black cumin powder, liniment in bald area carefully, wash after 3 minutes.
  • Rub your bald area with lemon juice and wash after 15 min, then apply black cumin oil.
NB: You must take a suggestion from a doctor before using these.
Black Cumin Seed Also:
Reduce tiredness and recover from fatigue and high pressure. Best treatment for skin diseases, like as allergies, eczema, acne, and more. Black cumin seed is anti parasitic. Its also applied for the constipation, hemorrhoids and diarrhea and dysentery. It is very helpful for protection the eye tumor with abdomen and liver cause the beta- sitosterol element found in black cumin seeds. It is also applicable for the disease of respiratory system, such as Bronchitis, Asthma, and cold symptoms. Black cumin increase the skin tone and supply the aqua to the nerve. The good element for feeding mother whom are feeding their babies breast milk. It Increase the best milk lot of and its tested and proved.
How to use Black Cumin Seed in Cold and Fever with Cough:
Most of the person say that how they use black cumin. There are many way by they can use it or eat. Most popular is black cumin mashed. Its is more familiar in Indian sub continent. You can mix this mashed with rice, curry, bread, vegetable, even milk. These give you extra taste and better treatment for cough, cold and fever.

There is another way you can use black cumin seed when you are in cold fever. Take 20 gm black cumin seed and fry it 2-4 min. Then take a thin clothe, handkerchief is better for it. Then take the fried cumin seed [when it stay cool from hot]  on the handkerchief. Then wrap the seeds like a little package, rub it gently and enter this little package in your nose hole. Take a little breathe as u can, cause these are too pungent, take it frequently how much as you can.

Make a good dishes with black cumin seeds in your daily food items. Black cumin seeds are very flexible to mix up all types of item. It increase the taste of food item with its superb fragment.

Beside of its there are also may some disadvantages of black cumin seeds. Since its full of acidic and powerful ingredients, over dose may cause side effect. Especially for the children and the pregnant mom. You should take a good advice from your doctor.Have a happy life and thanks for read this article. Please share it with your friends, wall and don't forget to make a comments.

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